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exercise for guinea pigs

21 14:27:37

I recently bought two female guinea pigs.  They are approx 5 weeks old.  I keep them in a hutch indoors at the moment, and the hutch is quite large - about 150cm long.  However, I haven't bought them a run as I don't have grass in my back garden, it is all paved.  I am wondering what is the best alternative way for them to have some exercise?  I know that you can buy balls for them to go in indoors, would you suggest something like that?

Hi Claire,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I am a full time carer to newborn twins so am rushed off my feet at the moment! It is taking some time to sort through all my questions, despite working from the earliest questions asked, and I am very sorry if any inconvenience was caused.

Never, under any circumstances, use an exercise wheel, ball, leash or harness for guinea pigs. There is a very real risk that the guinea pigs will injure themselves on all of these products - broken backs, broken toes and fractured ribs are all problems you risk when guinea pigs use these products. Guinea pigs just aren't made for any of these products - leaves balls and wheels to hamsters, and leashes and harnesses to dogs.

It is fine to let your piggies run around on the paved area. It will, in fact, be good for their nails; you will still need to trim regularly but exercise on the paved floor will prevent the nails becoming sharp and it will keep them filed down a little more than piggies who don't have access to paved areas or bricks.

Also if you buy a run, you will be able to use the run outside in the summer, and bring the run indoors in the winter so daily exercise time in continued all year round.

If you "piggie-proof" a room in your house - cover/lift all electrical cables from the ground, block off any furniture they might get under - then that is a great way to provide a super-fun and spacious zone for piggie playtime. Poops are easily vacuumed or swept up and urine doesn't stain - just be sure to dab up the pee after each play time and clean and/or vacuum the floor thoroughly. Newspaper or a shower curtain protecting the floor is also an option if you don't want to risk the floor being toileted on.

If you require any further help, let me know and I will be glad to assist.

Best Wishes,

- Laura