Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > is my guinea pig gay??

is my guinea pig gay??

21 14:15:12

Well my guinea pig Tyler is a few days older than the other i think (not sure maybe a week) they are great friends and get on well. Recently we've got them a new cage about 4 months ago actually. Since then Tyler the older one keeps standing on Jesse (the younger one's) head and rocking backwards and forwards and they are both boys and also Tyler follows Jesse around sometimes right behind him and Jesse walks really slowly in front. Jesse has rock sideways towards Tyler though so I'm really worried something is wrong please help me.

Please e-mail me if you can. thank you.

Hi Ellie

The behaviour you describe is quite normal between two males, although it has gone on for longer than normal if this has last around 4 months.

Basically, two males, when reaching adulthood will work out between themselves who is the dominant male. In this case Jesse seems to accept that Tyler is the dominant one. If he wanted to challenge Tyler then you would not more aggression between the two.

The most important thing is that the two are not fighting or chattering their teeth at each other. If you notice either of those things please separate them immediately as injury to either or both is likely.

If no aggression is taking place I would suggest that you bath them both in antibacterial shampoo so they both smell the same, this sometimes works to settle things down.


P.S Please let me know how you go on.