Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Looking for a pet

Looking for a pet

21 14:12:27

I am looking for a slate, chinchilla or silver agouti guinea pig to replace our pet that we recently lost.  My boys are very sad and want one just like her.  I live near Cleveland, OH and cannot locate any.  Believe me, I have tried every pet store in this area.  I cannot locate one of this color at any rescues either.  I don't know anything about breeders or if I even have one in my area.  I need to find this new piggie for my boys soon.  They are very sad.  Can you help us?  Thanks, Patti


I did some checking and found a few Guinea Pig breeds in OH. As I don't know where you live in OH exactly I just did a general search for breeders in OH and this list I am about to give you is the list of the breeders web-sites I've found. I hope this list helps you find what you are looking for.

Here is also the web address where I found this all so that you can get info for the ones who have no web-site.

Here is also the web-sites main address that way you can also expanded your search if you don't find what your looking for.

Sunshine Cavies (no web site)

I hope this helps and that you find what your are looking for. Take care now,