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Preg Guiniea pig

21 13:50:32

Well I got two which i think they are girl guinea pigs from the pet store about 3 weeks ago.. I think one of them are pregnant. Do i have to move the other girl guinea pig out of the cage? When can i put her back in? I have a vet appt for them next Friday to make sure they are both girl and to see if the one is really pregnant but i think it might be to late before then. How can i tell when she is going to have her babies?

Hello Erica!
Guinea pigs are pregnant about 2-2 1/2 months. You just have to wait Im afraid.
Save your money, sex them yourselves with this great site:
Remember, alot of the time vets are wrong about the gender of the piggy. Try doing this yourself once, and again in a week, and again a week later. If all three time you got a girl, its a girl, if not get someone elses opinoin, like a friend or a vet.
If one is a boy, seperate them after the birth immediatly. Keep him apart from all females for 3 weeks or until he is nuetered.
Remember, 9/10 the piggy isnt really preggers, she is just chubby. So dont freak out until you see 2-6 little furry guinea pigs running around your cage and begging for treats.