Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > her age

her age

21 14:40:30


Question   my guinea pigs eyes colour is brown thats not the problem, today i looked at my guinea pigs eyes, her left eye is weird, around the iris looks like a little smug of brown.(where the white part of the eye ball is, but you can see some of the white part still.
whats wrong?
what can i do with out going to the vet yet?
i really can't afford it.

Answer   Hi Jade

Can you tell me how old your piggy is please.

She might have something in her eye, in which case you can wash out with water, but let me know age and I will advise you further.


she is nearly 2 years old in about 20 days


Hi again Jade

So she isn't very old then. I wanted to rule out glaucoma (deteriorating sight)

I would therefore advise that you get a clean tissue and some pure water, and try to clean the eye in question. She might have something in her eye.

This won't be an easy job as she will probably squirm. If that doesn't work, let me know and I will do some more research for you.
