Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > my guinea pig has some black flaky skin

my guinea pig has some black flaky skin

21 13:46:38

my guinea pig is ginger and white but has some black flaky skin on back of his head and neck. Does this need treating there doesn't seem to be any mites anywhere , and he has had it for years he is 4yrs old but ive never noticed it flaking like it is now.

I can't say for sure but has you piggie always had a spot of black pigment on the back and neck. Dark skin tends to look ashy. You can always try skin cream. I have skinnies and they need skin lotion or cream all the time.  Its like a dandruff, only they have no hair to hide it. If the skin is hard like a bump, you can try the skin cream/lotion for a few days and then its up to you, if you want to make a vet visit.

Another thought is change of cage placement, change of food or hay. Four years is a good life for a piggie. Change is stressful and as an older piggie he may be more sensitive to change.
Good Luck, Cindy