Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Is he dying or really sick??

Is he dying or really sick??

21 14:28:02

Nickademus is four yrs old and I have been noticing for the past few months he has gotten slower not so active very quiet. Today he was slowly crawling around his cage, dragging his feet very restless his head is swaying, his whole body shakes he did eat a small blades of grass and when I brought the watter bottle to him he tried but couldn't move his head he is just lying on his blankie is he sick or is it his time? If this persists should I bring him to a vet?

Hello Tara,

Nickademus sounds ill. There are a number of possiblities, scurvy among them, but there is no way of knowing for sure without a vet visit, the symptoms are too vague and engulf so many illnesses. He's only 4 which is close to the average life expectancy but he could live twice as long. He shouldn't be just dying of plain old age yet. It is much more likely he is ill. If I were you, I would take him to the vet as soon as you can. The earlier you catch something, the better his chances of getting through it. I wish you the very best of luck with him and I pray he gets well soon.
