Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > White discharge from eyes

White discharge from eyes

21 14:37:26

Hi there, I have a couple of questions...
 Sometimes when my pig is cleaning herself, like washing her face, there is a white liquid that comes from her eyes.  It doesn't seem to bother her and seems to disappear back into her eyes very quickly.  Is this a sign of infection or is it similar to our tears cleaning our eyes? There are times where she will have an eye crusty but doesn't mind when I clean it off.  
 Also, she has never been a cuddler.  She's always been to fussy to sit with us.  She'd rather be out playing or sitting in her bed.  But in the past two weeks, she has become rather lovey.  I can pick her up and she'll sit or sleep on me for quite a while.  Is this behavior change something to worry about or may it be because she's getting a little older(she'll be two next month)? She hasn't had any other changes in behavior that we've noticed.

Look forward to hearing back from you.  Thanks!

Hi Maggie

Yes the white discharge is perfectly normal providing it disappears quickly. also, the crustiness needs to be removed as you are correctly doing.

I think the change in your pigs behaviour is simply because she has grown to enjoy your company more. In my experience, pigs don't want to play less when they get older. You must be a very good piggy owner!
