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can you tell me if its bad

21 14:15:03

I'm scared for my guinea pig gracy she has really bad dandrift and she has lots of hair loss.She bites me when i try to pet her and she starts to squirm and squeaks loudly.She always bites herself and it hurts her when she tries to scratch herself.please help me i really scared.


It sounds like Gracy has Mange Mites and she has it bad. You'll need to take her to a small animal vet or a vet with lots of experience in Guinea Pigs as she is going to need to be treated with ivermectin by injection, orally, or topically (usually placed on the skin behind the ears because the fur is so thick). Two or more doses spaced 7 to 10 days apart are required. Ivermectin appears to be safe used on pregnant cavies but is best not used on guinea pigs under 12 ounces (approx. 340 grams). This drug must be administered in the correct dose to avoid serious adverse reactions and possible death. A good exotics veterinarian should be familiar with the drug and know what doses are considered safe for cavies. Seeing a competent vet will assure that this medication's use is indicated and that it is appropriately administered.

There is another treatment that is available but again you'll need to see an experienced vet with Guinea Pig Some pet owners have had good luck with Revolution (Selamectin). A single dose applied topically kills both mange mites and lice.

You'll need to take her to the vet ASAP as Mange mites are very serious.

I hope this helps and that Gracy feels better again soon,
                      Take care now,