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my ginuea pig

21 13:55:40

hello..i need new to this . My pig just started making this wimpering noise and i taking really deep breaths...and wont eat..what is this?????  

Hi Andrea,
Your guinea pigs need to be examined by an exotic pets veterinarian as soon as possible. This could be one of many illnesses, and the fact that the cavy is not eating is a definite concern. Guinea pigs have very fast metablisms, and even if they don't eat or drink for 24 hours, it can be fatal. From the information you gave me, I can't help you more than with the instructions I just gave you, and even if I thought I knew the problem, I would still urge you to make an appointment with the vet-they can do much more than I can do for you because they can examine your animal and perform tests I can't do from over the internet, (obviously!).
I hope your guinea pig gets well very soon, and if you don't mind taking the time, I'd be interested to hear how everything goes at the vet, and also what you find out.
Feel free to contact me if you have any other questions!