Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > About their coat..

About their coat..

21 14:42:17

Hi,my guinea pig is now facing a is now dropping more hair than usual(happened for about a week already)...I had gave it plenty of hay,veggies and Oxbow food..So i really don't know how to solve this problem...

Hello Stanley.

I'm sorry to hear that. Instead of listing all of the possibilities it could be, i'm going to reference you to a website.

Go to

Click on Hair Loss.

It lists the problems that could be. It could be lice, mites, fungal infection, and many others.

If your piggy is experiencing a pretty good amount of hair loss, i would suggest you take her/him to a vet so they could access the problem more accurately and recieve medication as needed. I wish i could tell you one thing it could be, but since it can be so many things, that's why i referred you to that website. Maybe you could get an idea of what the problem is based on the symptoms listed before you take her for medical attention.

I hope this helps. I would love to hear the progress of this all.
