Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > cold in his eyes

cold in his eyes

21 13:51:53

hello I was wondering if u could help me...I just got my first guneia pig two days ago and have noticed he has gotten like what seems to be the stuff in ur eyes when u first wake up but I am scared its something else somemthing bad....please let me no if I should take some sort of action....thanks

Guineas get the same sort of 'sleepies' in their eyes as we do so don't worry too much. If it is a large one and seems to be irritating him then get a cotton wool pad and wet it and gently pull it away from his eye. When you get him out and it's only small then you can gently rub your finger near the side of his eye untill it falls of, make sure you don't poke him in the eye or irritate him.
I hope this helps.