Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > My guinea pig just gave birth to a baby , what shall I do ?

My guinea pig just gave birth to a baby , what shall I do ?

21 13:45:16

QUESTION: Hello , my female guinea pig accidentally gave birth to a guinea pig a few days ago . What should the baby eat ? I found out that the baby is a male , do I need to separate him from his mother , when ? I touched him one time and the mother doesn't seem to mind .

ANSWER: There's nothing you need to do for mom or baby. She will take care of him. Don't separate him from his mother until he's about four weeks old. He will learn to eat and drink like mom does as he develops. But in the meantime he needs mother's milk to sustain him and help him to grow.  You can hold him right away. Guinea pig moms don't seem to mind the interaction with humans, and it's good for the baby to be held early. Just don't keep him away from his mom for more than ten minutes at a time.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I read some websites before and it was said that male babies might mate with their mother or another female guinea pig . I have another female guinea pig at home now , is that true ?

This is one of those yes and no answers. Yes, a male baby will mate with the mother, but no.. he cannot breed successfully until he begins to reach sexual maturity. The mother is perfectly safe for the first couple of months. The baby is not able to mate with any grown female at this young age. Just remove him from the sows when he is four weeks old and keep him by himself.