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sad guinea pig

21 13:49:49

hello sir,i have a pair of female guinea pigs whom i bought a week ago.they were nervous at first but then started to move around and play/fight with each other.but for the last two days both of them have been somewhat sluggish in their movement.they sit in the corners rather unhappilly and move only for eating.also their droppings are not hard as usual.the droppings are milky.what has happened to them?i really concerned!:(

The milky poo is probably to do with diet unless their flooring is always damp. cut out their greens, feed them only dried guinea pig food for now. if they have stopped fighting each other then that is good as they hve osrted out their dominence issues. i recommend just keeping their home clena and dry and only feeding them dry food for a week. if the poop turns normal again then chances are they should perk up as well, otherwise take them to the vet it could be something more serious.