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Guini pig toilet issues

21 14:09:58

I noticed today when cleaning my Guinea Pig aged 2 1/2 male, that he would squeak and arch is back to do his droppings, i checked to see whats wrong and noticed that it was a bit wet around the bum and a bit white. He still eats, and runs about, not noticed any blood in urine and it does not hurt him when i slightly press his stomach thinking it was pain in his stomach. what do you think the problem is?

Hi Stephen.  It sounds to me that your guinea pig is actually squeaking and arching his back when he urinates and not when he poops.  This is typical behaviour in a pig that has a urinary infection.  Crying when weeing and wetness around the bottom area are commonplace with cystitis.  Also wee that dries white is usually a sign of infection, even the onset of bladder problems such as stones, which begin with the formation of sludge caused by calcium deposits that don't break down, and this aggravation causes the discomfort in the weeing process.  Prescription only medication is best for your guinea pig here, and so i recommend veterinary attention is necessary at this stage.  Bladder stones can become quite critical and it's best to tackle the cause and treat the early symptoms before it worsens.
I hope this helps you and that your guinea pig is put out of his discomfort very soon.