Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Lump on his face.

Lump on his face.

21 14:21:55

My piggie, Harley, has lump on his right side of his lower jaw. It showed up about 3 days ago and I put him in by himself and watched him to make sure he can eat and drink. He does. He don't act like it hurts, but it now has busted and there is a white, smelly discharge coming from it. Just wondering what you think it is. I would appreciate it so much. He is my first piggie and he is my baby. I have had him for almost 2 years. I don't want to lose him. Thank you so much for your time.

Hi Sandy,
Call the vet immediately this is an infectious wound on your guinea pigs faces and it may be fatal. This is probably painful because if I had an infectious wound on my face it would hurt. I know it's infected because theirs pus coming out which means a sign of infection.
Good Luck and hope he gets well,