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guinea pig bleeding heavily from vagina

21 13:39:09

my guinea pig boo has been bleeding from her vagina for a least a week she has been losing weight and not eating properly. yesterday, sadly my guinea pig was found dead in her cage I can't stop crying about her as she was my little girl who loved cuddles and kisses. I really want to know why she died and what could of been happening inside her body.

I am so very sorry you lost your precious Boo.

Usually when there is vaginal bleeding we suspect what is going on is an aborted litter. Was there any chance she had been with a male pig in the last ten weeks? If not the next possibility is something like uterine cancer. There is no way to say for sure what it was without a necropsie, which is the animal version of an autopsy.

Bladder cancer or bladder stones are another possibility. However, at this point it isn't going to ease your pain to know for sure what the cause of death may have been. To know this is not a comforting answer and I wish I had an absolute answer. Unfortunately do not.

I am so sorry for your loss Courtney. I know how painful it is to lose something you love, and it is made even more painful if have friends or family who don't understand. My thoughts are with you.