Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > my guinea pig is acting strange

my guinea pig is acting strange

21 14:15:48

QUESTION: i have had my guinea pig for about 6 to 7 months now and we just recently moved. this evening when i went to play with him, i noticed that he doesn't want to be touched and his eyes were stuck shut with this mattery stuff. is my guinea pig sick? if so what do you think i can do for him

ANSWER: Hi Lynne

There are a number of possibilities as to what might be wrong, namely a vitamin deficiency or a simple eye infection. You should take your pig to the vet for an examination so the correct treatment can be given.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i sent you another question concerning Tyler. he just recently passed and i was wondering if there was something else i could've done for him?

i tried to get him to drink some water every hour and i tried all kinds of foods, even his favorite treats. he still wouldn't eat or drink.

Hi again

I am sorry to hear about your loss.

The thing with guinea pigs is that they do a good job at hiding their illnesses until their symptoms are severe. This is due to their prey nature in the wild.

Please dont blame yourself or think of what might have been. The key is to notice even the tiniest change in behaviour.

Some tips for the future:

1)At feeding time, watch the animal eating. Is he eating enthusiastically etc.
2) Weigh the animal once each week and if there are any changes in weight more than an ounce or two, investigate further.
3) Do a weekly health check on the eyes, teeth, coat etc.

Good luck with your next piggy :)

Remember I am always here to help whenever you need it.
