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Help with our 4 boars

21 13:50:08

My husband and I bought all our guinea pigs in separate
places and at different times...We have four, all male.  My
husband recently made a cage that will house all four of
them.  The trouble is that they all have varying
personalities.  Two of them were previously together and
they are also the oldest ones.  The youngest one is the
troublemaker.  And the last one is really submissive but
doesn't like being dominated.  The interpersonal connections
between them are really intense and I have a hard time
telling if they should be allowed to stay with each other or
if not then which pig should be moved out to live on his
own, at least temporarily.
So i think an accurate description would be helpful.
--Creamy is the oldest cavy.  He has been the Alpha male
previously but is getting older now and, I believe, too lazy
to maintain dominance if one of the others wanted it.(which
i'll get to later)
--Mozart is the most complacent one. Won't complain about
anything.  Hardly ever chatters at the others, and simply
prefers to be left to himself, but still likes interacting
with the others. I see nothing to gain from putting him by
himself. And am quite certain that's not the answer.
--Rabscuttle is the submissive one that refuses to be
dominated.  He is also the most loner of the piggies. He had
mites once and in his time in isolation we really got to see
his personality bloom. I didn't mind having him by himself,
but the trouble still continues when we take him out.
--Blackavar is the one I think is most likely causing the
problem...there wasn't one when he was smaller but now that
he's grown he's really spunky and dominating...I think he
might be hurting the other pigs, but there's really no way
to be sure. When I take him out Creamy picks on Rabscuttle,
which is just as bad as Blackavar picking on both of them.  
He's a huge trouble maker trying to be Alpha male and I'm
not sure what to do.

What would you do? I've tried multiple removals and the
fighting keeps going. And I mean fighting...not just
dominating and chuttering.  At my wits end...what do you
think I should change?  Thank you.

Boars naturally in the wild have a group of their own outside of a GP
pack and will fight to gain a ranking within the main pack. The main pack consists of breeding females with one or two alpha males
Any strange boar will be challenged moving into the pack and will sometimes be turned away

I would first consider castration of all 4 boars as hormones play a big part in GP dominance.
Once they have been done, they must be left a couple of months for hormones to calm down before doing any sort of moving around.
You may find the alpha male will calm down too and tolerate the others more

Another suggestion is that Blackaver is put separately but in the same cage by adding a divider to you design this way the other boars maintain their rankings but don't get bullied.