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I dont know if my new pig is pregnant

21 14:22:07

hi, i recently got 2 female guinea pigs and one of them seems to have gotten quite a bit fatter in the last month since i got them. she is the quieter of the 2 and doesn't eat more food than the other one and she gets the same amount of exercise. i was wondering if she might be pregnant but I'm not sure how to tell. do you know how to tell if shes pregnant?

Hi Ciara,

    In the first pregnancy, it is often very hard to tell when a guinea pig is pregnant.  Some signs that may be indicative of a pregnancy include an increased appetite, hostility to be held or near another guinea pig, and weight gain.  You may not be sure until she is bulging at her sides and you can feel the little ones kicking from the inside.

    Until then, keep making sure that she is getting ample nutrients in the form of daily vegetables and vitamin supplemental droplets added to her food and water, as well as daily exercise and attention.  It is also okay for her to have the company of another guinea pig up until the time of delivery.

   Thank you for your question, I hope I have been of some help to you.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  Good luck with your guinea pigs (=

                                               - Nicole