Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > my guinea pig is bleeding

my guinea pig is bleeding

21 14:15:26

I have 5 female guinea pigs that live in one huge cage.I noticed today that Fancy is bleeding my husband and I think it looks like its from her vagina but when she poos then we notice blood and blood on the shavings where shes pooing can you tell me what could be causing this?I will be taking her to the vet Monday..Fancy is about 4 years old.We use aspen shavings feed them Kaytee timothy complete pellets and all the time give timothy hay,they get vitamin c tablets every day that we bought from the vet and we give them lettuce carrots broccoli and cucumbers  

Hello Amanda,

She my have ovarian cysts. Other possiblities are an infection in her uterus or large intestines or uterine cancer. Treament for the cysts and uterine cancer (and sometimes even for a uterine infection) is simply spaying. If it's in her intestines, she'll likely be put on antibiotics and supportive therapy (syringe feeding or in worse cases subcutaneous injections). Good luck. I'll keep her in my prayers.
