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my guinea pig andwhat to do

21 14:05:53

I asked you a question about if my guinea pig was showing signs of pregnancy or not a few weeks ago. My family and i discovered that she is having babies. 'now, I'm asking what do i do if she has the babies while I'm at school, what would her due date be if i told you the day they were conceived (April 13)and what do i do after the babies are born. Will she eat the babies? When do i hand them off to another family who wants to raise them? and others

Hi Katlynne

Its hard to ell when the due date is but i would say in between the 18th of June and the 25th of June

She should be fine if she as them while at school

When the babies are born do not hold them for about the first 24 hours of life and feed the mummy lots of vitamin c things such as fruits and vegetables and lots of hay and grain

Also lots of fresh water all the time

She should not eat the babies she will only eat them if they are premature or even sometimes if they are stillborn

You may hand them off to another family at about 4 weeks old you would wean them at 3-4 weeks

Hope this has helped