Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > why did my guinea pig die it couldnt move or walk and it felt a lot lighter and then it just died

why did my guinea pig die it couldnt move or walk and it felt a lot lighter and then it just died

21 14:28:20

why   DID IT DIE ?

Hello Lozza,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I have had increasingly problematic issues with my internet as well as having a very busy home life (newborn twins), so I have had delays in responding to all questions in the past two weeks. Apologies if any inconvenience was caused.

I'm sorry you lost your guinea pig. I cannot say why your guinea pig died as you have given me very little information to work with. It could have been almost anything - scurvy, spinal injury, internal problems... Without knowing more I can't inform you any more specifically.

If you can tell me:

How old "it" was;
What it was fed;
What size and type of cage it lived in, and whether it was indoors or out;
How quickly it got sick;
How long before it died.

Also knowing whether "it" was male or female *may* help.

Let me know and I will do my best to help you figure out why your piggie passed away.

Best Wishes,

- Laura