Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > do guinea pigs....????

do guinea pigs....????

21 14:08:25

another question-

1) Is it true that a guinea pig is happier and healthier when they are in groups of at least two? or is that just a way to get someone to buy more than one guinea pig. I just wanted to know because my guinea pig lately has been very shy, and seems to always come right away to me when i walk in my room, so does that mean i should just give him more affection, or should i get him another guinea pig friend?

2) also, how many times does a guinea pig have to mate to get pregnate, because i have heard that it takes one time, and other times i have heard that it take a couple of times.

3)i have heard that when a guinea pig has babies, its lifespan gets shorter, and since my guinea pig is pregnate, i don't want her to die anytime soon, so is it true that once a guinea pig is pregnate its lifespan gets shorter, and if it does, how much shorter??

thank you so much for your time/  

Hi Ashley

1. Guinea pigs are pack animals so prefer piggy company. If you were to get another you would be best served getting a baby as there is little chance of fighting.

2. Like in humans, it takes just one time if the conditions are right.

3. I dont know of any factual evidence that says a piggies lifespan is shorter after pregnancy, however, birth itself is an ordeal that does sometimes have complications.
