Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > 9 wk old g pig noises & toys 2 get

9 wk old g pig noises & toys 2 get

21 14:16:51

we got  one 4 days ago and when we pick him up he makes muted squeaking noises.  Why does he do that? is it because he doesent have a proper cage ? or is he missing company of others like him or is he getting used to us or is this just normal?  

Hello Kaity,

Piggies are very vocal. Soft squeaks are usually just sounds of contentment. You didn't tell me his cage size so I don't know if it is the proper size or not, but that's not likely the reason for his little squeaks. Loneliness probably isn't causing the squeaks either, but if you don't have other piggies, he will get lonely for them. Piggies like to have other piggies to talk to and are much happier with a friend. If you can, I would advise getting him a buddy. Soft squeaks are normal though and generally just indicate happiness, especially in young pigs. As for toys, kitty jingle balls, pet safe stuffies, pillows, blankets, bird toys, and wooden chew toys are all wonderful toys for piggies. Congratulations on your new piggy. I know he will bring you great joy.
