Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > my g.p. is scared of me!

my g.p. is scared of me!

21 14:27:59

how do i calm my guinea pig down?hes so scared of me.i really want to hold him, but how?pz resond quick!!!

Hello Morgie,

Taming a piggy is really very easy with a bit of patience, love, and food. The first step is to make friends with him. Piggies are natural gluttons and food bribes work wonders. When you go in to see your piggy, always take a veggie treat with you. Hold the veggie treat in your hand and make him come to you to get it. Do this several times a day and always come with a treat. Before long, he will come running over to see what you have for him this time. Everytime you have him out of the cage make it a pleasant experience. Give him treats and keep everything nice and safe and quiet. Just remember to always talk to him calmly and softly so you don't spook him. This usually only takes a couple of weeks to make your piggy happy to see you and ready to come out to play. For more shy piggies it may take a little longer. Just be patient and pretty soon you and your piggy will be having lots of fun together.
