Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Drinking Water

Drinking Water

21 14:16:32

QUESTION: I think that my guinea pig is drinking to much water. We give him water when my dad goes to work at 4:30 and when my mom wakes up at 7:00 she gives him water. We are just constantly giving him water. I was wondering if we are giving him to much water or not enough?

         Thank You for your help

ANSWER: Jessica,

There are a few factors here for him drinking a lot of water. One he isn't getting enough. Both my girls have two 8 ounce bottles in their cage and they drink half of each bottle. So they drink about 8 ounces a day more or less. That is with 2 of them, so he should be drinking anywhere 2 to 4 ounces a day. You can't really give a Guinea Pig to much water as they stop drinking when they have had enough.

Second is that the weather is hotter so he is drinking extra to help keep cool.

Third is he has diabetes. The most common symptoms noticed by guinea pig owners are:

rapid formation of cataracts

chronic wet bottom

frequent urinary tract infections (UTI)

Other symptoms may include:

excessive thirst

excessive urination

weight loss in spite of healthy appetite

If he is showing any of the signs above take him to an experienced Guinea Pig vet and have him check out for diabetes. It is treatable and Guinea Pigs with diabetes live normal, happy, and healthy lives.

As long as he is acting normal, eating normally, poop and peeing normally, doesn't show any signs of illness there really isn't anything for you to worry about.

I hope this helps,
    Take care now,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello Thank you Jules,

That did help but there is one more question i would like to ask you if he has diabetes what should we give him. It is a certain pill of a type of medicated syrup. (like cough but something for diabetes)

         Thanks again,

Hello Jessica,

If he has diabetes a vet can give you a an oral medication to give him depending on what type of diabetes he has. That is why it is important to have him checked out by an experienced vet if he is showing any of the signs for diabetes.

I hope this helps,
 Take care,