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growths on nose and lip area

21 14:46:17

We have 2 cavies and today noticed that both of them have what appear to be growths on the nose area and lip.  Bennie and Rottie are pet therapy guinea pigs at a nursing facility within a prison and an inmate has been caring for them.  We wonder if it is a fungus or have you had experience of the same nature or idea of what we are dealing with?


Thank you for your question.

From what it sounds like it could be a cyst. One of my guess's. These cysts are most common on the back and down towards the rump but they can occur elsewhere. It is a good idea to have a good palpate all over the surface of the guinea pig regularly when the skin checks are being made, see Skin problems. If you come across a soft pea sized lump which is not attached muscle or bone then it is almost certain to be a cyst.

There are some similar types of lump which for want of a better description, I call jelly beans because that's just what they feel like. They are a little larger and flatter and are usually found anywhere on the under side of the guinea pig. I haven't got the slightest idea about what they are, only that they are completely harmless and sometimes completely disappear but more often remain, getting no larger for the rest of the guinea pig's life.

Providing the soft cysts remain small, check a week later, then leave alone but if they continue to grow it is advisable to get them lanced and the waxy material expressed out then the cavity has to be flushed out with either Demisol or Aserbine fluid(talk to your vet about this one). Anaesthesia is totally unnecessary for this.

Keep an eye on the guinea pigs, clean their noses and mouths and if necessary Polysporin cream is safe. Use the lesser strengths.

Best wishes
