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dead guinea pig babies

21 14:23:33

My daughter is a teacher for 3rd grade. She recently was given a guinea pig and was told they thought she was pregant.Today she said she had her babies 5 of them and they were all dead and was born with no hair. Was this to early? Also she said that lady the mom has blood all over her and will not let her pick her up. What  should she do?

Hi Helen,

    How old was the mother?  If she was over eight months of age at the time she conceived, there is a good chance that her pelvic bones may have fused together.  When this happens, not only is it common for all of the babies to die, but also for the mother to die of stress during delivery.

    There is usually not much blood at all after a successful guinea pig delivery.  Complications very often during delivery, but most result in the death of the mother.  There are occasional stillborns, but usually not all of them.  Your daughter's piggie is probably too old to have babies.

    Thank you for your question, I hope I have been of some help to you.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  Tell your daughter that I am very sorry for what happened, that I wish her luck with her guinea pig, and to be happy that she was not also lost in the difficult delivery.

                                                - Nicole