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Biting Pig

21 14:45:55

I need some help with a little problem that I am having with my pig. Charlie Brown is about 2 months old. He is very shy inside his cage but once out and on my lap he is a real cuddlebum. He will stretch out and likes to be patted from his nose down. He loves it. The problem is whenever a finger comes within range of his mouth he will bite. It had been getting progressively harder until last night when OUCH! he broke skin. I desperately need some advice about where to go from here. My female, Sybil Tribble, is the complete opposite. She always comes over to the edge of her cage for a pat and always licks and nibbles gently. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Guinea Pigs love to nibble and if anything is infront of their mouth they will more then likely taste it. Cavies need things to chew on at all times, they always need to have Timothy Hay and cavy pellets available 24/7. Give your cavy 1 cup of fresh vegetables daily, and give him chuncks of carrots.