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babys and thier family

21 14:22:10

hi i have recently discovered baby guinea pigs in my cage with  female and  male guinea pig adults and was wondering if it is safe to keep my father guinea pig with the babies

When you first discover your piggie is pregnant, or in your case when they are born, it is best to remove the mail immediatly. The father usually does not posses a threat to the babies, but can get mom pregnant again in just a few hours after birth. Staying pregnant is not healthy for a piggy, therfore I wouldent put them back together for a few weeks at least. Hopefully it is not too late and she already has new buns in the oven. Also, you need to know that babies need to be seperated from mommy at age 3 weeks because the baby boys are capable of impregnanting mommy. Babies become sexually mature at 3-5 weeks so you dont want mommy and baby having more babies!:) PLease try to find good homes for the babies, and either get daddy fixed or keep them seperated before you end up with more piggies than you can handle. If this dident help please email me back. Thabnks!