Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > just a few questions....

just a few questions....

21 14:06:20

hi jenny
i was cleaning my gp's cage and found sort of like a mucus ball
what is this?
i checked my gp and he has no sign of a cold
how much pellets should i feed in one serving?1 handful?
what can i do so that my gp has less soft poo?
what are ways to keep my gp warm at night?
will iot be ok if i put my gp with another male(its a male)?

thanks for your help!

Hi Viviena,

1) I'm afraid I have no idea what this could be. Are you sure it's mucus and not poo or leftover food?

2) About half-a-palmful per day of pellets or dried food should suffice, along with two portions of fresh veggies.

3) Make sure he's getting enough roughage. Hay is an essential part of a guinea pigs' diet and is needed for correct digestian. Don't feed too much celery, grass, or spinach.

4) Cover his cage with a blanket. Get him a heat pad (the kind you can get for newborn puppies). Or put extra hay in his cage at night.

5) Yes, but this can be tricky. Guinea pigs love company so I'd recommend you do. Make sure the new male is 6 weeks old or less and remove the scent of his mother (with a special spray or shampoo, or rub him in your boy's litter) before putting him in with your boy. Make sure the cage has been freshly cleaned out and give them some fresh veggies to bond over. Don't worry about chasing or humping as this is a dominance ritual, but if they chatter their teeth or start to fight - separate them and ask me for further advice.

Hope this helps and if you have any other questions, just ask.
