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traveling with piggies

21 14:04:56

Hi I have 2 female guinea pigs that are 4 months old. I am driving home for the summer with them next week- its a 12 hour drive. Do you have any recommendations for keeping them comfortable and calm? I planned on putting thier cage across the backseat and letting them stay in it for the entire trip. I will also be sure to replenish food and water and hay as they run out. Can you think of anything else that will help? Thanks!

Hi Ashley

Make sure that the car is cool
Also give them a treat to keep them occupied
Make sure that the cage is level so they don't get scared or the food and water is spilt.
And if its possible you ma have to put a blanket over them just a little bit to keep it dark so they can go to sleep.

Have fun on your trip back home