Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > adding a friend?

adding a friend?

21 14:23:51

We have a 2 month old female guinea pig named Flower. She has no cagemates. We have had her for a couple of days.

Everything I read seems to suggest that adding another guinea pig (of the same sex) is recommnended for guinea pigs.

Is there anything I need to do or watch for when adding another female? Should they be of about the same age or size? Is it better to add one sooner rather than later, or does it matter?


Hello Tara,

Sooner is better because of her age. At 2 months, one about the same age is good. She's still young and a dominance struggle shouldn't be too severe at her age. As they get older and more mature, dominance fights tend to be a bit more aggressive and in those circumstances adding a younger pig (around 4 to 8 weeks) is better. You should quarantine the new girl at least 2 weeks, a month is better.
