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guineapig noise

21 14:28:08

Hi, I have a guinea pig, indoors, and have had him for about 6 months now, every now and then, maybe once a week he has a "mass squeak", he is like a child, he gets louder and louder and more shrill, if you go to see him or talk to him he hides in his house and then as soon as you go away he starts up again, the introduction of new food like a carrot etc keeps him happy for 10 mins or so. I spoke to my vet and she said it might be a good idea to get him a friend, but i am concerned that together they will be squeaking away enough to win olympic gold for squeaking! and obviously once i have the second one i cant just take it back to the shop if that does happen.

Hi Daws,

Your vet is right - he is probably lonely. Guinea pigs wheek loudly for attention (when they are lonely or bored) and for food.

Rather than buy a guinea pig from a pet store or breeder, check out the shelters and rescues in your area. Adopting is much more beneficial [than purchasing] in countless ways and I urge you to search this option before thinking about purchase. If you want help finding a rescue or shelter, try these sites:

For the US -
For the UK -

Don't be worried about the squeaking - it's what guinea pigs do. Excessive squeaking can indicate a problem (i.e. boredom or loneliness), but it also suggests happiness or excitement too. In many cases, a vocal guinea is a healthy guinea. (That isn't to say a quiet guinea is a sick guinea - personality affects vocalisation too.)

If you want any more help, let me know and I will be glad to assist.

Best Wishes,

- Laura