Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > 7-8 month old Guinea Pih

7-8 month old Guinea Pih

21 14:41:43

Hi, my name is Jessica. I have a 7-8 month old Guinea Pig, on Sunday (day before yesterday) she jumped from my boyfriends hands and fractured her leg, we have taken her to the vet, they splited the leg and want to see her in another 14 days. However, I feel really bad that she has to hobble over to the food dish and water bottle although I dont believe she is hurting because she isnt making bad noises..just the little squeeks and lots of love when petted. question is what fresh food I can give her to help promote healthy recovery because she loves fresh food much more than the pellets, but has access to the pellets all day. If you have any tips on easing her mobility or fresh treats for her I would love to hear them...we thank you!

Jessica --

Well, there aren't any treats that will speed her recovery, unfortunately.  As for mobility, you might try making sure that her food and water are at the same end of the cage so she doesn't have to walk that far.  Otherwise, make sure her cage isn't in a drafty location (or a cold one) warmth will ease the joint a little and make it more comfortable for her to walk.

Hope this is helpful.  If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me.  Good luck!
