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Guinea Pig with a Cyst or Rumor

21 14:08:29

Hi My daughter's guinea pig has a huge cyst like tumor on the side of his neck which I noticed about 4 days ago. The guinea pig seems like it is unable to move around much because of the size of this cyst, Ive also noticed the guinea pig has not been having any bowel movements Im not really sure what to do?? My daughter will be devestated if it dies but I really cant afford to spend hundreds of dollars on a vet bill

Hi Leah

Guinea Pigs Are Sometimes Prone To Cysts and tumors My guinea pig once had one and i could do nothing about it and it was Bad and Big i couldnt afford taking it to the vet and it did dies the vet is really the only soloution to the problem i no how unfortunate it is im sorry to hear about it It might be best to maybe be put a little bit of cream on it (Small Animal Cream) that might help a bit but otherwise im just not sure sorry
