Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > wont eat

wont eat

21 13:44:43

QUESTION: I just noticed that my lil piggy moe has not been eating and he barely touches his favorite treat which is carrots. And he is barely moving around unless provoked(trying to pick him up) u was wondering what I should do or if I should be concerned.

ANSWER: Most definitely you should be concerned. Anytime a pig won't move unless provoked he is telling you that either A. He is in pain or B. He is seriously ill or perhaps both.

You don't say how old he is. If he's more than four years old he may be showing signs of reaching the end of his old age.

If he is a young pig, he is still telling you he's very very ill. I wish I could tell you why, but unfortunately I cannot. I can only tell you with certainty that this is a grave and serious sign.

Most often when they reach this stage even a vet cannot tell what is wrong and can very seldom turn him around. I wish I had better news or advice. And more than anything I hope I am wrong.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He is maybe 2 years of age but I gave him  some hay and he started nibbling on it right away could it be he is just tired of his dry food and carrots as I call it

Your description of him not wanting to move uless provoked is a description of a sick pig. If he is eating that's a different thing. Starting to nibble on hay is not the same thing as eating. Guinea pigs don't usually get tired of their pellets. When they are hungry they eat. Mine are on the same pellets from birth to death and I've never seen a pig refuse to eat unless they were either ill or had a dental problem that prevented them from being able to chew comfortably.

I think the best thing might be a visit to your vet just to make sure that there isn't something going on that you aren't seeing.