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Classroom pet guinia pig- rash

21 13:50:24

hello, came across your name through google.  I'm a teacher and just inheritated my class pet guinia pig from my neice.  I've had maybe 1 before, but its been a long while and I've never had this problem.  He's a course long haired white guinia pig who's a few years old.  He is balding in some spots and is scratching himelf to the point of scabs.  He looks terrible.  I'm suspecting some kind of mite?  I've read about Ivertan, some kind of wormer I could use.  Do you think this could be the problem?  I know he might be a little nervous in a new home, and my 5th graders haven't really been handling him much at all due to him getting used to his new home.  What can I do?  We just lost the other one whom we kept at home.  Mystery how he died because he had no spots and we really took good care of him, but he only lasted a week here at our house.  
Appreciate any advice.  
Susan Tuck
5th grade teacher

Oh my, get him to the vets!!
This is a serious case of mange mites, not contagious to humans but very VERY horrible for piggy's.
Taking him to the vet might get him some bandaging, cream, hair removal and DEFIANTLY ivermectin by injection, orally, or topically.
Okay, now RUN to the vet!! ;)