Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > 2 questions, 1 about bonding 2 about 2 males

2 questions, 1 about bonding 2 about 2 males

21 14:17:11

Hello Jules,
Thank you for your time. I reciently bought my daughter a pig for her 4th birthday, she's in love with him but he has bonded with me from the first time I held him ( it went both ways!) will he bond with her too? Also I wanted to get him a companion (he's about 8 weks old) and a pig for me! Can 2 unnutered males ever get along or is it always a no-no?

Hello Teri,

The Guinea Pig you have now will bond with your daughter without a problem. Just have her sit with him a little bit extra, so that they both have the chance to bond. Both my girls have a bond with me and my sister. Guinea Pigs are group animals and as such are able to develop multiple bonds.

Yes two unnutered males can get along, it isn't always a no-no, it is only a no-no for some owners who don't have the time or the willingness to work with the two to help in developing the bond between them.

Get him a companion who is younger then him. That way the natural leader will be the older and there'll be less chance of aggressive then. They usually establish a natural hierarchy with the younger one being subservient to the older one. You just need to be careful that you don't have a very feisty younger guinea pig with a very laid back older guinea pig.

Take care now and if you have anymore questions please go ahead and ask. I am always happy to answer them.