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Concerned Pig Owner

21 14:21:53

I have a 4 year old, female, golden guinea pig named Goldie.  She is an only pig that lives in 2 small animal cages that we have modified to allow room for her to play, eat, and sleep.  We use CareFresh bedding with some Aspen mixed in.

I noticed that her right eye was cloudy and what looked like an ulcer.  She was stumbling a little and did not have much of an appetite.  I took her to the Vet and they gave he ointment and antibiotics which I administer 2 a day.  I have since noticed that her eye is now a reddish color with the ulcer having a slight indention.  However, she is eating like normal and more lively.  Doesn't appreciate the ointment or antibiotics.

I was wondering if this is just the medicine doing it's job or something more serious.  

Hello TJ,

Alot of time with eye issues, they look much worse before better. The medicine is very likely working just as it should be and with her improvement in behavior, that seems to be the case. If it were me, I would continue her medicine for the amount of time the vet has advised and then if it hasn't worked or she's behaving like she's ill again, worry and take her back. It sounds like things are getting better in spite of how the eye looks and she should be fine. If you are really worried though, take her back and talk to the vet. At the very least it will ease your mind. From your description, I'm pretty certain she is doing well and should be fine soon, but always trust your instincts, you know your girl better than anyone.
