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Weaning Orphaned Pups

21 13:45:43

We have a 10 day old orphaned guinea pig.  We began feeding the baby Esbilac formula every two hours from a syringe.  She started taking 1ml every two hours but is now eating up to 6ml  every four to five hours.  She has been cuddling our remaining adult female for warmth.  She has finally started gaining weight but we can not get her to eat any dry food or formula/food mix.  We are also having to give her water through the syringe as well.  She will eat a little hay but not enough to extend her feeding schedule and she refuses to try the water bottle or to eat out of a spoon, dish, or my hand.  I have even tried to 'lead' her to a water bottle and/or food dish to show her where to find the food and water.  We are very concerned that she is becoming too dependent on syringe feeding and may not be able to find food on her own.  She has not yet tried to do so even when we delay her feedings to encourage her.  Is it too soon to expect her to reduce or even stop the hand feeding and to want to eat solids and take her water from the bottle?

Don't delay her feedings, she needs frequent nutrition. It's good that she has a 'nanny' in with her. She will learn from the older pig how to drink out of the bottle and how to eat the pellets. She's still a very young baby and you've done a great job just keeping her alive as long as you have.

Give her time. I would expect within a week she'll be trying out the pellets and the water bottle. It's also possible she's already trying them when you don't see her. Don't offer her any veggies or fruits yet. Her digestive system isn't ready for that. Keep her with the her nanny sow and she will be fine. Sometimes orphans are a little slower at picking up on what the others are doing, but she will learn.  Just let her tell you when she's ready, and at ten days she's not there yet.