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Guinea Pig Biting

21 14:10:18

I recently got a female Guinea Pig from petco about 4 days ago and I'm not sure about how old she is..but definitely a baby. Right now she is getting shots for a respitory infection and is doing a lot better. When i get to the vets and take her out of the carrier she is scared and cuddles me near my neck and tries to hide in my clothes so I was thinking she is starting to like me and trust me. At home I've been taking her out of her cage little by little and at first she is really shy and just wants to cuddle.. but after a while she will get a little hyper and start biting everything. She bit a package, my zipper, all my jewelry and even my fingers and nails. It didnt hurt but she was definitely using her teeth. Is this okay behavior or is she being bad? I'm just worried that she is going to bite all of the time and I will never get her to be nice. I am also worried she does not like me.

Hi Kelly

Your new piggy obviously does trust you a bit as she is asking you to comfort her when she goes to the scary vet!

In terms of the going hyper thing, she probably just needs a pee. Most piggies nibble when they need a pee so try putting her back for 5 minutes then trying again.
