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Grooming coat and ears

21 14:23:16

I fell in love with a long hair and now she is getting a crusty place on her back and I'm thinking about a haircut. Also she has this black looking inside her ears and I don't know if this is normal. I have taken her to my vets groomer but she has not said anything except once she got her butt hair tangled and I'm trying to be more careful with her.Thank you

She could possibly have mites, especially it she is loosing hair on her back and is itching. The best thing to do with her ears would be to wipe them with a baby wipe to clean them, as long as she is not scratching her ears she should not have ear mites. You can use lotion on her skin if you think she just has dry skin, also a bath in human moisturizing conditioner followed by some baby oil on her skin will help, and keep brushing her once a day.