Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Ivermectin


21 14:19:09

Last summer we went on vacation for 3 weeks and gave my guinea pig (Charlie) to someone else and when we got him back we noticed hair missing and sores on his back. They seemed to clear up only to return again this Xmas.We are pretty sure that he has mites so we tried bathing him a few times in flee and tick shampoo for cats and all-natural tree oil. We were told that the cat shampoo would help but it didn't. He recently began having seizures where he would scratch his back so hard, flip over and shake really fast. Then he would stop moving and regain control. Charlie won't let anyone touch him and we can see that he is in pain. I read that the seizures are caused by mites and mites are treated with Ivermectin. Do you know of any place in Montreal or a website where I can order Ivermectin in Canada without bringing him to a vet? (minimun cost $100.)
Any advice on what to do when he's having seizures or to calm him down would also be greatly appreciated.  


Unfortunately you'll need to bring him to the vet to get the Ivermectin as there are many different types of Ivermectin for many different animals. So you'll need to see your vet to get the right Ivermectin along with the right dosage as it is powerful stuff and to much can lead to death.

There is an alternative for mites. Some pet owners have had good luck with Revolution (Selamectin). A single dose applied topically kills both mange mites and lice. Unlike the Ivermectin it is a single dose and less expensive then the twice or more doses for the Ivermectin.

You might want to try a body wrap for Charlie, this will keep him from getting more sores, and also it may help in limiting the seizures.

Hope this helps, and that Charlie gets better soon.

Take Care,