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my piggy is sick

21 14:09:56

my piggy was well this morning and this afternoon is heaving and is frothing at the mouth, he is also very wet ?

Hi Gerry.  I think your guinea pig needs some veterinary assistance if he is frothing at the mouth. If it looks severe, like there is a lot of froth and convulsing it sounds like a serious infection, almost like reaction to poison.  On the other hand, a guinea pig can slobber and ooze saliva down his face and front when there is malocclusion set in.  This is when the teeth have overgrown and misaligned, causing the mouth not to close properly or function correctly through eating.  In other cases, this discharge can be due to throat infection from an abscess or oral fungal infection.  I recommend you get your vet to check this one out as it sounds rather disturbing and not very pleasant for your guinea to be experiencing.
I hope this helps.