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Guinea pig sick

21 14:35:06

Our guinea pig has not been eating very much-does have some eye discharge and very wet bathroom movement.  What do you think this is?

She could possibily have an upper respiratory infection or some other upset such as a digestive problem or pneumonia. The eye discharge leads me to believe it's a URI. These are 99.9999999% of the time fatal. A trip to the vet is fairly inexpensive as long as (s)he isn't severaly dehydrated or skinny. I suggest taking her to get a check up. With some antibiotics, she should be fine. However, if this is left untreated, your pig most likely won't make it. I'm sorry for being pessimistic, but even a day with out eating heartily can make the situation worse. Look for a vet who treats "exotics" in the phonebook. I'm wishing you the best of luck. Please keep me updated on your pig's condition. A lifetime of health, happiness, and joy to you all. :)