Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > drooling?!


21 14:42:29

Hello..we are having problems with a few cavies we recently rescued..our vet won't be able to see them for a week, and there are NO other guinea pig vets

One of my females started "drooling" recently..her face, chest and front legs were completely is NOT maloclussion...she passed away within 2 days, then while we were away, the person caring for them noticed (late at night) another lady had the same "problem" by the morning she too had passed, this hits all at once..they are DAILY fed pellets & hay, they get several fresh veggies...can you help me?

Hello Jessica and thanks for the question,

If this drooling is NOT from maloccultion I really am at a loss. The only other things that I could "speculate" is extreme dehydration, malnutrition or central nervous system problem.

I would call a vet asap and see if he has any advice. This sounds like a serious and lifethreatening condition.

Thanks and sorry I could not be more help,