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Possible Hematoma

21 13:48:34

Hello. I just recently discovered a large purple colored absess on my guinea pigs underside. It's about the width of my thumb. He is 4 years old. I gave him a antiseptic bath and am keeping him on soft surfaces. He's not acting any differently, and his diet is fine. I was wondering if I should take him to the vet. The sore strongly resemble a hematoma, but I want to be sure. Should I keep him on soft surfaces and well cleaned for awhile and see if it shrinks? Or take him to the vet immidiately? It's not pussing.

if it was me i would keep doing what you are doing and see if it shrinks, however i have to deal with a lot of pigs and as callus as it is, vet bills play a heavy factor in that. if financially it is not an issue then i would have it checked out by a vet. but if he appears fine in every other respect then it might also be worth keeping him clean as you are and keeping a close eye on it. also if you get some baytril then whatever it is, is likly to clear up, though a visit to the vet might cost about the same. it is really your.