Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Breeding skinny pigs

Breeding skinny pigs

21 13:46:36

QUESTION: Hello, I've written before but received no answer so I'm trying again.

I have 10 healthy male skinny pigs that I would love to have a few more, I can keep all the babies incl. any litter that has to be born beforehand to produce carriers.

I need to know what would make a good carrier.  I've heard Americans & Teddy's.  I do not currently own either but have a healthy young girl that part Peruvian/American and a couple of young females that are too young to breed right now but their mother is Abyssinian and the father is a mix (bit of long hair at the base).  Is either of these types not a good choice for producing skinny 'carriers'?

Thanks and hoping to hear from you!

ANSWER: So sorry for the delay.  Like I said, I really had to think.  Also, I was in hospital for colon issues.  
Actually you can breed any two types and at least one skinny will be born in the mix.
Please write to me again and let me know, how things are going!

Good Luck, Cindy

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you Cindy and I'm sorry to hear of your health issues, I hope you're feeling better.

It was quite something what you told me as anyone else I've read about (breeders websites), seem to always say it 'must' be a short haired guinea pig - American - or a 'Teddy' (for the curly hair).  One person even went as far as saying "don't use any guinea pig with Peruvian ancestry".  I wanted to get somewhat of a tie-breaker, that's why I wrote to you.

I don't mean to bother you again, I just wondered if you could tell me why it would be ok to use ones with a mix of Peruvian or Abby.

Thanks so much

Thanks for your patience. I don't really know anything about Peruvians but I did successfully cross a skinny with an Abby.  The babies were adorable. I am operating on the premise on single dominant gene expression of the trait. I will do some research and let you know.  

I was told that each generation it is important to cross a skinny with a "hairy" pig to ensure strength. In all of our breeding it is so exciting to see the new babies. But the mortality rate is high. Even with constant food, hay and water!!!

I kept the male Abby/skinny mix and I plan to mate him with a pure skinny.  They are all too young right now but give me a few months!